
Disclaimer: any results of this project, which have not been published in peer-reviewed journals should be considered as preliminary ones. The authors wanting to use anything published on these pages in their work are requested to contact the LMD team for the most recent version and for proper referencing. Where applicable, we use the dataset names of the deliverables.

  • Data1. The collocated ALADIN/CALIOP dataset similar to the one published in (Feofilov et al., 2022).

  • Data2, v.1. The climatology of diurnal cycle correction retrieved from CATS lidar observations using the method by Feofilov and Stubenrauch, (2019).

  • Data2, v.2. The climatology of diurnal cycle correction retrieved from the combination of AIRS/IASI observations. Note that this correction is applicable only to high clouds (P<440 hPa) and, therefore, gives slightly worse results than the CATS correction above.

  • NB!!! This dataset was not initially foreseen, but it is very important for the correct processing of the ALADIN clouds, see the presentations in the news feed and the proceedings paper on this topic. The climatology of depolarization coefficient retrieved from CALIOP data can be found using this link.

  • Data3, CALIOP. CALIOP AM (nighttime) clouds estimated and averaged in Aeolus-like observation mode (see (Feofilov et al., 2022)). Here and below, we provide monthly gridded files in netCDF format (2 deg x 2 deg x 480m).

  • Data3, ALADIN without diurnal correction. ALADIN clouds retrieved from Aeolus L2A optical properties with wavelength conversion and depolarization correction, but without diurnal cycle correction. These distributions correspond to original 06h00/18h00 ALADIN observations.

  • Data3, ALADIN with diurnal correction. ALADIN clouds retrieved from Aeolus L2A optical properties with wavelength conversion and depolarization correction, and with diurnal cycle correction from CATS (see Data2, v.1). These distributions correspond to ALADIN observations corrected for diurnal cycle, so that the clouds retrieved from 06h00 measurements become comparable to 01h30 CALIOP data and the 18h00 clouds become comparable to 13h30 CALIOP data.
